Time Cubed 2 (NC-17)

Posted on Wed 15 July 2020 in Experimental • Tagged with dragon, transformation, cube, dice, sphere, object, shape, absorbtion, modularity, weird, orgasms, compression, toony, living cube, living sphere, kink gear TF, experimental tech

After spending most of the day and night toying around with the Shapemaster—including sleeping in that pseudo-die form, once I figured out that the time setting could actually go up to six hours—I dropped off the prototype at work. Joshua and Chris were elated with the feedback I …

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Time Cubed (NC-17)

Posted on Mon 13 July 2020 in Experimentations • Tagged with dragon, transformation, cube, object, shape, absorbtion, sex, weird, orgasms, compression, toony, living cube, experimental tech

Guh… Things were boring around the family mansion with everyone working. The only ones still home were my children, the house staff, and the various pets that many of us had. I didn’t feel like bothering Sienna during her studies, Demidra was enjoying her time in the pool with …

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Be Careful What You Wish For (NC-17)

Posted on Mon 11 March 2019 in One-Offs • Tagged with clothing TF, sheath shorts TF, revenge, transformation, inanimate TF, rubber, latex, slubber TF, verbal abuse, molding, shaped TF, compression, flattening, mind emptying, unwilling

Gallows yawned slightly as she walked along the path of Greenfields Park. It was one of the few places near Breakwater Omega that had no laws regarding public decency or sexual acts, given the fenced-off tree-filled nature of the locale, and she rarely went anywhere on her own homeworld as …

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